Mimi é filha única de pais abastados, tendo uma infância muito mimada. Quando chega ao Digimundo só pensa em ir para sua casa e deitar em sua confortável cama. Mas com o tempo, aprende a lidar com isso. Ela é uma garota bonita e muitos digimons já pediram para sairem com ela, dos quais ela recusou. Isso às vezes gera uma ou outra briga, mas nada muito sério. Apesar disso, na verdade possui um coração bom e sempre tenta ajudar.
É a mais sensível e infantil do grupo, muitas vezes chegando a ser considerada tão criança como Takeru, por isso os dois se identificam muito um com o outro. No princípio ela não gosta dos digimons por acha-los feios e maus e mostra isso abertamente. Porém, com o tempo acaba por se tornar mais protectora para com eles e afeiçoar-se a todos os digimons em geral. As vezes chega a ser tão sincera e inocente que acaba não vendo que suas palavras causam um grande efeito em todos, e isso chega a ter mais confusões. Apesar de tudo, ela é uma garota doce que luta sempre pelo bem, é preocupada com seus amigos e adora moda. Junto de Palmon vive muitas aventuras.
[editar] Digimon 02
Mimi Tachikawa
Yuramon is a Seed Digimon whose name is derived from the onomatopoeia for swaying (ゆらゆら Yurayura?), and as such it floats in the breeze. Its whole body is covered in a substance with the appearance of long, soft hair. When it hatches from its Digi-Egg, it seeks an environment suitable for its growth, and drifts lightly through the air, like a dandelion seed. If it finds a place where there will be no intruders and where the environment is good, it will settle to the ground and begin preparations for evolution. Its offensive ability is almost nonexistent, so it will spit out adhesive bubbles and hinder the opponent's movements, then escape that instant.[3]
Tanemon is a Bulb Digimon whose name and design are derived from the seed (種 Tane?). It has something that looks like a plant sprout burgeoning from its head. It is a Yuramon that wandered in search of an optimal environment, then settled to the ground and digivolved. Due to its extremely timid personality, if it senses an intruder's presence, it will burrow with the four feet at the base of its body, and completely bury its body portion under the ground. Once it is completely hidden underground, the thing growing from its head assumes the camouflage of a plant, allowing it to defend its body from intruders. However, this is ineffective against herbivorous Digimon.[4]Palmon
Palmon is a Vegetation Digimon whose name and design are derived from the palm tree. It has a tropical flower blooming on its head. Although it digivolved like a reptile from Tanemon, it is an unusual Type which is classified as a Plant based on its outward appearances and special qualities. During the day it opens up the flower and spreads its leaf-like arms to perform photosynthesis. It usually buries its root-like feet under the ground, and although it is absorbing nutrients, it is also able to walk. As for the flower on its head, when it is joyful or happy it will waft about a sweet fragrance, but when it is angered or senses danger, it releases a foul stench that will drive off even giant Digimon.[4]
Togemon is a Vegetation Digimon whose name is derived from "Thorn" (棘 Toge?), and whose design is derived from the Easter lily cactus. It has the appearance of a gigantic cactus. It can store nutrient data within its body, and can even survive for a long time in the empty desert areas. You usually can't understand at all what it is thinking, even if you can try to discern it from its facial expression, as it spends most of the day staring off into space. However, once Togemon is angered, that expression changes completely, it starts getting violent, and it becomes unable to settle down.[3]
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